I am Available for Work!

I’m actively looking for my next full-time role. Until that happens, I have the capacity to take on 1-2 consulting projects at 20-40 hours a week per project. If you need to augment your team, please reach out to me! Email, Linkedin


  • Accomplished Software Engineer with over 8 years of experience developing and optimizing robust distributed systems

  • Proficient in Ruby on Rails, AWS, and Postgres, with a track record of leading complex projects

  • BSc Computer Science.

  • Side projects in Go, Typescript, React, Next.js.

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer

Oct 2021 – Nov 2023

  • Developed features and improvements to core API with performance, security, and scaling in mind.

  • Designed and built a secure internal admin platform in Angular and NestJS, allowing the safe management of microservices and faster resolution time for common production incidents, saving over 200 hours of on-call time in the first month after going live.

  • Elevated engineering org performance by mentoring peers in 1:1s, facilitating pair programming sessions, and conducting thorough code reviews.

  • Worked across teams on high priority, high urgency tasks and contributed to the technical design and direction of products being built.

  • Alleviated bottleneck API endpoints identified through DataDog by analyzing PostgreSQL queries, removing deadlocks, and optimizing the Ruby on Rails codebase to reduce avg response times of ~500k daily requests from over 20 seconds to under 500ms.

  • Orchestrated a seamless migration from Heroku to AWS, built with Kubernetes, Terraform and ArgoCD, ensuring functional parity and the uninterrupted flow of Sidekiq and Redis queues for 100% uptime.

  • Improved Github Actions CI/CD pipeline to properly cache dependencies, reducing runtime of the testing suite from 7 mins avg to 30 seconds, greatly improving developer productivity.

  • Implemented strategic procedures and playbooks on Jira and Confluence to significantly enhance incident response efficiency that slashed average resolution time from 60 days to 3 days.

Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, Roda, Sequel, PostgreSQL, Redis, Sidekiq, Kubernetes, Terraform, ArgoCD, Github Actions, DataDog, Sentry, Jira, Confluence

Senior Software Engineer

Smartcare Software
June 2019 – Oct 2021

  • Migrated systems to AWS, improving application response times, increasing availability to 99.99%, and saving over $50,000 per year in infrastructure costs.

  • Architected an easily extendable system for integrating with API’s of data aggregators nationwide for the submission of electronic visit verification data for Medicaid billing.

  • Collected mobile device data to verify visits with patients, including GPS coordinates, telephony messages through Twilio, and voice recordings through a Cordova mobile app.

  • Upgraded acquired healthcare EMR backend from Ruby on Rails 3 to 6.

Technologies used: PHP, Ruby on Rails, AWS, Twilio, Cordova

Software Engineer

Oct 2017 – June 2019

  • University of MN: Developed a dashboard application in Ruby on Rails and Angular for an open-source textbook initiative, providing pipeline tracking and Qualtrics survey analytics.

  • Pyxl: Revamped pricing calculations and enabled automated deployments of Ruby on Rails application using GitLab CI/CD workflows for a commercial ladder business.

Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, Angular, AWS, Twilio, Cordova, GitLab CI/CD

Ruby on Rails Developer

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
May 2015 – Dec 2017

  • Created and maintained Ruby on Rails applications that facilitated the needs of the university.

Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, Mysql, MS SQLServer

Technical Skills

  • Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, React, Next.js, Angular

  • Languages: Ruby, Go, Typescript, SQL

  • Platforms: AWS, Heroku, Vercel

  • Technologies: Docker, Github Actions, Semaphore, DataDog, Cloudflare


BSc Computer Science

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
2014 – 2017

Minor: Economics


I’ve had the good fortune to work with amazing people throughout my career, here are some generous words folks have said about me.

Jeremy was a key member of the software development team and played a leading role in many of our biggest initiatives. Jeremy earned the trust and respect of peers, managers, and stakeholders by always exhibiting the right level of diligence and urgency that is required for developing and maintaining 24x7 systems which process millions of dollars in transactions per day. He is a talented developer and a skilled problem solver, as demonstrated by his ability to diagnose and deliver solutions for some of our most challenging production issues and requests.

- Tony Mattei Senior Director of Engineering, Interim CTO @ Prime Trust

Working with Jeremy is always enjoyable and rewarding. Although we were not on the same team, Jeremy was always a lead I could count on to ask questions and look at code with. He has that coveted skill of going into foreign territory cold, admit he has never been here, yet come up with an effective working solution. Jeremy is able to interpret convoluted, complex issues and requirements, translate them into simplicity; enabling everyone to collaborate fluidly with a great amount of ease. Jeremy is an unassuming tech leader as he is a trustworthy and warm teammate, I feel lucky to know and work with him.

- Grace Choi, Software Engineer @ Wiki

Jeremy is extremely knowledgeable and a joy to work with. His capacity to understand complex systems surpasses most engineers I have ever worked with. He was critical in my rapid ramp up at PrimeTrust. Without his help I couldn't have become effective so quickly. Thanks to him I was able to come up to speed in the first week.

Jeremy is patient and kind. He brings a form of peace and stability to a team that is unlike any other. He operates with a perspective of "low ego". You would never know you were in the presence of greatness because regardless of title/level he treats everyone with the same patience and kindness.

If you are looking for a solid staff level engineer that you can rely on to lead and mentor, that fosters a culture of low ego and equality, and reliably delivers quality code in an expedient manor; look no further, Jeremy is your ideal candidate.

- David Shibley, Software Engineer @ Contentful

Jeremy is an outstanding individual with an extraordinary ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems. Jeremy's prowess with Ruby is nothing short of astounding. His relentless drive and versatility make him a true asset to any team.

When it comes to troubleshooting, Jeremy is unparalleled. No matter the challenge that arises, he approaches it with a cool-headed and analytical mindset. His problem-solving skills are second to none, allowing him to dissect issues and find effective solutions efficiently. Jeremy's ability to identify root causes and address them comprehensively ensures that problems are not merely patched but resolved at their core.

Jeremy's expertise in Ruby is truly remarkable. Not only does he possess an in-depth understanding of the language, but he also excels at explaining not just how to do something, but why it works the way it does. His ability to impart this knowledge to others demonstrates his aptitude for teaching and mentoring, and it fosters a deeper understanding of the language within the team.

In the vast industries software engineering can take someone, Jeremy's enthusiasm and quick learning are invaluable. His mindset allows him to explore various domains within any industry, making him a versatile asset that can contribute effectively to different projects.

Jeremy's drive and determination are truly inspiring. When faced with challenges, he approaches them with unwavering determination, tackling them head-on until a satisfactory solution is achieved. His relentless pursuit of excellence elevates the entire team and motivates others to push their boundaries as well.

In summary, Jeremy's exceptional troubleshooting skills, mastery of Ruby, quick adaptability, and tenacity in the face of challenges make him a standout professional and a valuable addition to any team. His passion for the industry and continuous learning are contagious, creating a positive and dynamic work environment. I wholeheartedly recommend Jeremy, confident that he will continue to excel and make significant contributions wherever he goes.

- Bryan Byrd, Senior Director of Engineering @ Prime Trust